FlexSim: Operation and Flow Simulations and 3D Analysis

Many manufacturing projects are highly complex due to all the variables involved. For example, moving a conveyor as part of a plant redesign can significantly impact production if all the variables are not assessed correctly. A number of simulation tools are available with the data processing capacity necessary to simulate project outcomes and potential pitfalls. And guess what? Merkur is proficient with all of them.

What is 3D flow simulation?

FlexSim is 3D flow simulation modeling and analysis software. It helps users model simple, complex, real, or theoretical systems in a virtual 3D environment.

The virtual environment factors in a multitude of variables and statistical models, generates random events, and can be used to validate hypotheses and test scenarios safely. FlexSim accounts for time, space, variability, and the complex causal relationships in your system.

It also includes a results analysis component that helps you understand your simulation in granular detail. Results are easily exported into a regular spreadsheet.

Three ways manufacturers can use FlexSim

It’s possible to create a comprehensive virtual production environment where you can simulate three of your company’s main functions: operations, planning, and logistics.

1. Manufacturing operations and production

FlexSim allows you to analyze capacity increases generated by changes in plant layouts, staffing, cycle time, safety systems, and much more.

The software is highly granular, making it possible to accurately simulate:

  • Work cells / assembly stations
  • Robotic cells
  • Departments / sectors
  • Entire plants

In other words, you can simulate everything from new construction or a factory overhaul to the optimization of your existing layout.

2. Production planning and scheduling

With regard to production and planning, FlexSim simulations allow you to assess corrective measures and improvements based on their effect on:

  • Batch size optimization
  • Product mix optimization


FlexSim can also help you improve supply chains by deploying and analyzing AGVs, forklifts, tow tractors, conveyors, warehouses, and accumulation areas. Anticipated benefits involve:

  • Fleet flow and size
  • Procurement
  • Handling
  • Storage

It’s also possible to simulate deployment of Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma strategies to assess gains and impacts.

The 90s are over!

There are much more powerful, reliable, and effective tools than Excel spreadsheets for simulating projects and plant operations. At Merkur, we recommend using FlexSim when:

  1. The complexity of a scenario makes you doubt its ROI
  2. Capital project logistics are suboptimal
  3. Realistic and reliable visuals are needed to convince stakeholders

For a fraction of the price of your manufacturing project, Merkur can provide the expertise and tools needed to simulate your operations and identify current and potential bottlenecks.

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